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Thankful Thursday with Administrative Coordinators and SANE nurses
SANE Program trains nurses to care for sexual assault victims
Why We Need More SANE Nurses
The 3 Medical Forensic Options for Care After Experiencing a Sexual Assault
What Does a Forensic Nurse Do | Ep. 58 | Clip
Episode 1 | What is SANE nursing?
A Lesson in Dying: A Nurse With Cancer Offers Herself as Instruction in Caring | The New York Times
How Can Forensic Nursing Foster Healthcare and Justice? | Bonnie Price | TEDxYouth@RVA
Q&A - Gina Forensic Nurse - Proper Nursing Care of Patients with Gunshot Wounds
Emergency Overload: Triple Episode | Casualty 24-7: Every Second Counts
Former nurse speaks out after sentencing in fatal drug error | Nightline
EP 176: How Forensic Nursing Changed Over the Years With Debra Holbrook